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Liceo  “A.Einstein”  was founded in 1970; it is a secondary high  school situated  in the urban area of  the popular seaside resort of Rimini, on the Adriatic coast of Italy. Being in a territory devoted to tourism and thanks to a great presence of people from all over Italy and other foreign countries for the work opportunities the town offers, the students’ family background is various.

Liceo Scientifico A.Einstein has offered the  pupils an in-depth, interdisciplinary approach to the scientific world  since its birth and  ranks among the best state secondary high schools in North-East Italy scoring high average results according to PISA appraisal of education standards  among the OECD countries over the last years; it is broadly appreciated in the town of Rimini and its surroundings  as a prestigious secondary school;  it boasts the  highest graduation rate and a widely-recognized quality of study opportunities. It has become over the years one of the biggest in the area, devoting its efforts to improve the features of a school mainly Science and Maths oriented but well aware of the importance of offering  the students the widest range of opportunities in their curricula: Italian, History, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Music, Latin, Physics, Physical Education, Arts and  Information Technology are also part of the course of studies. It is a school preparing the students for university admission. 

A brand new course of studies has recently been added to Liceo Scientifico A.Einstein and approved by the Italian Ministry of Education in January 2022 called Liceo Musicale (music and lyceum) , which specializes in music and teaches students to play two instruments. It is the result of the cultivation of the music laboratories set up as extracurricular activities at Liceo Scientifico A. Einstein since the year 2005. This music experimentation, successfully connected to the cultural life and Municipality of the town of Rimini, has significantly contributed to create the solid foundations of the new course. A concrete example is Einstein Youth OrcheStar (EYOS), the Orchestral ensemble grown  over the years as a high-level orchestral group of students from Liceo Scientifico Einstein performing in the most important theatres  of the territory.

Background and experience

Liceo A.Einstein has been actively involved in several European projects for a long time , here is a specific list of the ones carried out in the Comenius Program, European strategy 2007-2013

  1. Multilateral Project (lasting two years from 2013 to 15 – Poland, Sweden,Portugal, Italy)
    2008-1-PL1-COM06-00981-5 – European Youth united through sports and healthy lifestyles
  2. Multilateral Project (lasting two years from 2013 to 15 – Romania, France, England, Germany, Italy)
    2011-1-DE3-COM06-189172 – How Europe works with work – Let’s make it our business!
  3. Bilateral Project (lasting two years from 2013 to 15 – Italy and Germany)
    2013 -1 –DE3-COM07- 35976-2 – Piazza Poesia – Deutsch-italienischer Kulturaustausch im Medium
    literarischer Produktion und ihrer Visualisierung
    4 – Multilateral Project (lasting two years from 2013 to 15 – France, England, Germany, Italy)
    2013-1-RO1-COM06-29385-2 – What’s Europe got to do with me? Educating individuals that care

Within the Erasmus+ program the school took part in the I SEE – Inclusive STEM Education to Enhance the capacity to aspire and imagine future careers (2016-2019) project; it was a strategic partnership coordinated by Alma Mater Studiorum – Bologna University, including the University of Helsinki & Normal Lyceum, Helsinki, the Icelandic Environment Association (IEA), Hamrahlid College, Reykjavik, Fondazione Golinelli, Bologna, the Association for Science Education (ASE), London; through innovative teaching-learning modules and guidelines for supporting secondary school students’ aspiration and imagination towards the future, the project addressed the acute problems of European societies related to science education: the decrease in student interest in pursuing STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) careers and the “skill-gap” between school learning and labour market needs.

Moreover Liceo Einstein has joined the E-Twinning platform since the beginning of its launch in 2005, promoting and hosting training events and turning to the community each time their precious support was needed. Other students’ exchanges were developed before the pandemic years with European countries such as Finland ( the Normal Lyceum, Helsinki, 2 projects about Science and the Environment), Germany ( Couven-Gymnasium, Aachen, a project based on Latin ) and with Holland (Middleburg University , in a project named Civilization Ambassadors, focused on the awareness of being European citizens through the knowledge of WWII events) in April 2022.
Financial support was partially granted each time by taking part in some calls promoted by the regional
legislative assembly of Emilia Romagna.

Despite the pandemic, in 2021 liceo Einstein joined The Global Science Opera annual project coordinated by Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Norway; it was one-year creative collaboration with partners and participants from many countries and all continents to create and perform a Science Opera inspired by Ecosystem Restoration ( Thrive) via ICT tools, providing a platform for both creative science learning as well as cross-border friendship and cooperation. The final performance which took place on November 20th, 2021 (The International Children´s Day) was an online event; the combination of different art forms centred on the scientific theme from each participating partners (from Australia , Brazil, China, Greece, India, Croatia,Cyprus, Mexico , Nigeria, Italy, Greece, Romania, Portogallo, Singapore, Sao Tome, Spain, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, see